Have a great Summer- See you On Wednesday 4th September


Here at The Woodlands we take the role of safeguarding children seriously. It is everyone's job in our school to make sure children are feeling safe.

Children are encouraged to TALK about any concerns that they have. Regular opportunities in assembly, PSHE and class are taken to teach the children how to be safe.

If staff have any concerns, they know it is their duty to report this to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

The DSL is trained to know the appropriate action to take to ensure the child's safety.

At The Woodlands, all staff are trained in Safeguarding with Mr Baker as the DSL and Miss Hodson as Deputy DSL.

To see our safeguarding policy, please click on the link below.

Dear Families,

I am writing to you to share some information from our partners in the local area.

Following the  national school closures in response to the Covid 19 pandemic and the subsequent return to school over the last few years. Colleagues in our partner services have seen a rise in reports of online bullying and incidents occurring over social media.

Through PSHE lessons, form tutor time and assemblies, we will endeavor to discuss these issues with students and raise their awareness to the concerns and dangers of social media use.

However, we also ask that as parents/carers you are aware of these issues, the age restrictions on certain social media and apps and are alert to what your children are engaging in online.

Please find enclosed with this letter, a few leaflets with information regarding age restrictions on social media/apps and also a document from Staffordshire Police with further information about some apps that are popular with students as well as some further sources of support and information.

Yours sincerely

