Have a great Summer- See you On Wednesday 4th September

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is a before school provision for all Woodlands pupils.


Starting at 8am it provides a safe, welcoming and happy environment with a choice of breakfasts to help the children start the day. 


To book a place at the breakfast club please email:


Please state your child’s name, class and which days you would like them to attend. Please make your request at least 24hrs before the needed day. The emails are checked daily and you will be informed if there is sufficient space. We will try to accommodate all requests but we are limited to numbers within each year group. 


Breakfast club costs £3 per first child per day [including breakfast] and £2 per additional sibling. Please pay in advance via Parentpay. You will only be charged for the days your child attends. If you require login details or have trouble using the app please visit the school office. 


We will keep all parents updated if there are any changes to the system.

Mrs Peach

TA/Breakfast Club