Have a great Summer- See you On Wednesday 4th September


Welcome to Chestnut's class page. 
Within the different links, you will find out what Chestnut have been learning in class and what they are learning about during the current school week. Here we also celebrate the rewards the children have received because of their excellent learning, attitude in class and work they produce. 
Below are a quick explanation of what you'll find on each link under the Chestnut class page.
Time table shows the weekly time table for Chestnut. 
Learning shows what we are learning over the half term.
Take a look inside ... will provide a look at displays in the classroom, examples of the work we have been doing during the half term and photos of any hook days, extra-curricular activities and children during their learning in the classroom.
Home Learning will provide you with the Homework book the children take home (in case it gets mislaid), extra year 5/6 spellings we are practising in class and links to websites we commonly use or subscribe to.