Have a great Summer- See you On Wednesday 4th September

Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium was introduced in 2011 to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children and young people. The government believes that this is the best way to address the existing underlying inequalities between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

Pupils are classed as disadvantaged if they have been eligible for and claiming free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years (Ever 6) or if they are aged between five and 15 and have been looked after for more than six months continuously.

They have provided a fixed amount of money for schools (per child) based on the number of pupils registered for Pupil Premium over a rolling six year period. At Woodlands, we will be using the indicator of those eligible for Pupil Premium, as well as identified vulnerable groups, as our target children to ‘close the gap’ regarding attainment.

How will it help your child?

At Woodlands, we have high expectations for our children and we believe that no child should be left behind. We are determined to ensure that our children are given every chance to realise their full potential through a combination of quality first teaching and timely intervention. We value the individuality of our pupils and aim to support and nurture all.

Our Key objectives are:

  • Our primary aim is to increase the percentage of pupils working at or above age-related expectations in Reading, Writing and Maths.
  • To narrow the gap in progress and attainment between our Pupil Premium children and their peers.
  • To ensure the children, who are in receipt of Pupil Premium, are provided with a broad and balanced experience at the school

What can the funding be used for?

The funding can be used for a wide variety of purposes including additional support for your child within the classroom, help towards the cost of school uniform or even extra-curricular activities.

Do you think your child would qualify for Pupil Premium?

If you think that you may be eligible for Pupil Premium or would like to discuss any aspect of this funding, please contact the office using this e-mail address:  office@woodlands.staffs.sch.uk