06.01.25 School is open as normal today. Gates will be open from 8:30 am today


  • Reading books will continue to be changed on Mondays but can be changed during the week too, if needed.
  • For homework, our focus is on reading 3 times per week and recording what you have read in your diary.
  • Spellings can be learnt in your booklet. 
  • Aspen Class will need to come to school in PE kit on Mondays and Fridays
PE Kit
The Woodlands PE kit consists of a white top, black shorts/skirt, pumps/trainers, black jumper and black jogging bottoms. Please ensure that your child has a comfortable spare pair of shoes for outdoor PE (as their others may be muddy or wet from being outside). Children should NOT wear hoodies or leggings. If your child has their ears pierced, please ensure that they can remove their own earrings. 
 Thank you.