06.01.25 School is open as normal today. Gates will be open from 8:30 am today

SEN Provision

Miss Dawson

SEND Co-ordinator

The Woodlands Community Primary School values the abilities and achievements of all pupils, and is committed to providing the best possible environment for learning for all pupils. The school recognises that the curriculum must be relevant to all pupils and takes the needs of individual children into account in the formulation and implementation of the National Curriculum. The school believes that it is the role of teaching staff to help pupils reach their full potential and that every child should be given access to their educational entitlement and be encouraged to respond positively to challenges. The school aims to identify any child having a difficulty with learning as early as possible and for that child to receive appropriate provision.

When supporting children with SEND, the ‘plan, assess, do and review’ cycle is implemented across the school and teachers set targets for individual children to enable them to achieve. Time is planned within lessons for teachers to work with individual children in order for them to achieve their targets and become successful learners.

Where deemed necessary, time is planned within the day for children to receive additional support through carefully planned intervention.

Every teacher at The Woodlands Community Primary School is a teacher of SEND and the school aims to:

  • Provide support through quality first teaching.

  • Ensure that the curriculum is appropriate to individual’s needs and abilities.

  • Promote equality of opportunity irrespective of need.

  • Have high expectations of all pupils.

  • Ensure all children have their needs net by offering a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.

  • Keep parents and carers fully informed of their child’s progress.

  • Access guidance and support from outside agencies when necessary.

  • Ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities towards all learners.

  • Ensure all pupils are included and as fully involved in all school activities.

  • Identify any child having difficulty with learning as early as possible and provide that child with appropriate provision.

Please click on a link below to view the policy.