06.01.25 School is open as normal today. Gates will be open from 8:30 am today


Who should I contact about locked, lost or forgotten passwords and log in details?

If you speak to your teacher directly who will arrange for the relevant password to be given to you / unlocked etc.

If your E-Schools password is locked or not working, please email or phone the school office who will arrange for the password to be reset/advised.


How can I arrange a food bag during school closure?
Any families registered as eligible for Free School Meals (this is not the same as universal free school meals for EYFS and KS1) should have been contacted by the school office w/c 4.1.2021. to arrange collection of a food bag.
In order to qualify for Free School Meals, please visit https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Education/Educational-awards-benefits/FreeSchoolMeals/Apply-online.aspx to check your eligibility. Once you are confirmed eligible, please contact the school office who will arrange a weekly food bag.
Will my child be set homework?
We no longer set homework for children to complete each week. We ask that you focus on reading with your child at home. You should read with your child AT LEAST 3 times weekly. This could just be a couple of pages and does not have to be their school reading book each time.
How do I log into E-Schools and access my home learning?
Please click on the link below to see guidance.
When should I expect a response to a message sent via E-Schools?
We are no longer using the E-Schools messaging system to contact Class Teachers. Should you need to send a message to your child's Teacher, please send this via the office e-mail address or speak to the Class Teacher directly.
Can I access E-Schools if I don't have a computer?
You can access E-Schools through our school homepage on any device with internet access. Please see below guidance on how to access E-Schools using x-box and playstation.