06.01.25 School is open as normal today. Gates will be open from 8:30 am today

Learning 2025

This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them.
This project teaches children about electrical circuits, their components and how they function. They recognise how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and record circuits using standard symbols. It also teaches children about programmable devices, sensors and monitoring. They combine their learning to design and make programmable home devices.
This term, Redwood will be having P.E. lessons on Thursday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).
Children will need to come to school in their P.E. kits on these days.
P.E. Kit should consist of a white polo shirt or white t-shirt, jogging bottoms (black or navy blue) and a sweater (black or navy blue). Hoodies and leggings shouldn't be worn as part of the school P.E. kit.
Please could any jewelry, including earrings, be left at home or children are prepared to remove them for the hour we have P.E.
For swimming lessons, children should come to school in their P.E. kits, with swimming kits, goggles, swimming hat and towel in a bag. 
As above, please could any jewelry, especially earrings, be left at home or children are prepared to remove them for the hour we have P.E.