
Commando Joe's

As of September 2019, Woodlands Primary began using Commando Joe's to enhance our curriculum.
For each topic, a different character is used to compliment the curriculum and develops children’s skills, knowledge and understanding whilst building
their capacity to choose intelligently between decisions that contribute to their character development and specific learning. The RESPECT framework supports the staff to be able to help children to develop these behaviour traits within a number of exciting activities based on amazing characters and aspects of their life stories.
Within the early years the programme provides a foundation on which all children will get the chance to achieve, be resilient, tolerate others and make great choices for life. At the heart of the curriculum design is the unique child, with the promotion of the Five British Values and the teaching of the seven core Character traits interwoven into the prevalent Characteristics of Effective Learning.
To see how we use Commando Joe's in our planning, please see our overviews.