06.01.25 School is open as normal today. Gates will be open from 8:30 am today


Rocks, Relics and Rumbles


In the Rocks, Relics and Rumbles project, your child will learn about the different layers of the Earth, including plate tectonics and their potential effects on the Earth's surface. They will investigate different types of rock to learn about their uses and properties. They will also investigate soil and fossils, including learning about the work of Mary Anning. They will have the opportunity to use maps to learn about the lines of latitude and longitude and a compass to learn about the cardinal and intercardinal points. They will also learn about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and the long and short-term consequences that these can have.



In the Forces and Magnets project, your child will learn what forces are and what they do. They will learn about pushing and pulling forces and sort different actions into pushes and pulls. They will identify and explain contact forces. They will learn about and investigate frictional forces. They will use force meters to measure the forces needed to carry out everyday tasks and record their measurements. They will learn about magnetism (a non-contact force) and explore bar magnets. They will find out about magnetic attraction, repulsion and magnetic fields. They will test the magnetic properties of different objects. They will learn about the magnetism of the Earth and how this enables compasses to work. They will use this knowledge to make compasses. They will learn about the uses of friction and magnetism and carry out research. They will use different methods to investigate the strength of magnets.

PE Kit


PE kits consists of a white top, dark shorts/skirt, pumps/trainers, dark jumper and dark jogging bottoms, not leggings. Please ensure that your child has a comfortable spare pair of shoes for outdoor PE (as their others may be muddy or wet from being outside). If your child has their ears pierced, please provide tape or ensure they can remove their own earrings. Pupils should come to school wearing their PE kit on PE days. 


Our PE Days are Monday and Friday.